May 22, 2020

LDAP Authentication in Laravel Application

LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. It is a lightweight client-server protocol for accessing directory services. A directory is similar to database but contains more descriptive and attribute -based information. It is a hierarchical database where data is stored in tree like structure, where leaf node holds the actual data. Microsoft Active Directory, Oracle […]

Javascript Data Types
March 9, 2020

Data types check in JavaScript- JavaScript Data Types

JavaScript has typeof operator to check data types. At times, typeof operator may not be enough. for such, constructor, instanceof operators may be required

Custom Artisan Command in Laravel
November 29, 2019

Custom Artisan command: Create one

Artisan is the command-line interface included with Laravel, driven by Symfony Console component. It provides an awesome set of useful and most often used commands to help in app development with Laravel. But it includes the common and widely used command set only, that sometime might not be enough for our app development. For such […]

Javascript Data Types
September 5, 2019

Javascript Shorthand Techniques must know

Shorthand techniques are useful when we have to shorten our code length and keep our code base clean and tidy. It also saves some of our coding time.

React JS
June 10, 2019
/React JS

React JS from

Form is an important component for any application that for the interaction with the user. Lets say, forms are the only way for receiving feedback & suggestion, user inputs and other inputs from the user. Same goes for the React JS applications. React JS recommends using controlled components to implement forms. Form data is handled […]

React JS
April 11, 2019
/React JS

Load script asynchronously React JS

There are tons of node packages and libraries available to use with React JS project. There may be already some package in node for any javascript library we are wiliing to use in our project. But, by some chances, if some library is not available or we wish to use JS library instead of node […]

March 26, 2019

Install PHP on IIS Windows Server – Web Platform Installer

Install PHP in IIS WIndows Server with Microsoft Web Platform Installer to run PHP applications. PHP is the popular server-side programming language to build websites and web applications. Most of the web hosts supports PHP and has good collection of libraries to cut the development time. But it is not supported by IIS out-of-the-box. Why […]

react redux
February 27, 2019
/React JS

React Redux application npm

React is a javascript library for build User Interfaces. Redux is an opensource javascript library for managing application state. React app has a lot of states to maintain. It is feasible for small apps. But when it gets bigger and add up more behaviours, it gets tricky and dirty. For such cases, Redux comes as […]

February 22, 2019

Center align HTML element with CSS3

Web pages composes of different components and elements. All those components play important role in page composition in terms of users accessibility, UI and UX. Each components are designed to place in position in the page and positioned in relative or absolute to peer elements. We can horizontally align right or align left the relatively […]

February 1, 2019

WordPress Migration from live server to localhost

We usually do development work in local or development environment. Then move the final product to production/live server after doing necessary changes and being sure that our application is bug free and stable. Same goes with the WordPress site development in common practice. But still we face different issues during migration process. Apart from the […]

React JS
January 25, 2019
/React JS

Default Prop values React JS component

Default Prop values are set whenever no value is set to the prop of the React component. We may not set all props values while loading component or sometime it may not be feasible to set each and every props value of the component. Or let’s say we have a props whose value is certain […]

January 23, 2019

GraphQL with Node JS and Express JS

GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with existing data. Here we are going to create a basic GraphQL Server With Node.js And Express Setting up the project To setup GraphQL server with Node JS and Express, let’s first create our project folder $ mkdir graphql-server Now navigate […]