Create WordPress Multisite with different domains

Enable WordPress mutlisite feature Got to wp-config.php file of wordpress installation and open it in file editor. And add following line just above the line that says ‘/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing */’. define( ‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true ); Then head back to WordPress admin dashboard and got to Tools » Network Setup page to configure WordPress multisite […]
Custom form in WordPress without plugin

Creating custom form without plugin to submit form in wordpress site and save to custom database table. Custom form adds more control over form submission and data handling process
WordPress Migration from live server to localhost

We usually do development work in local or development environment. Then move the final product to production/live server after doing necessary changes and being sure that our application is bug free and stable. Same goes with the WordPress site development in common practice. But still we face different issues during migration process. Apart from the […]