We usually do development work in local or development environment. Then move the final product to production/live server after doing necessary changes and being sure that our application is bug free and stable. Same goes with the WordPress site development in common practice. But still we face different issues during migration process. Apart from the […]
Default Prop values are set whenever no value is set to the prop of the React component. We may not set all props values while loading component or sometime it may not be feasible to set each and every props value of the component. Or let’s say we have a props whose value is certain […]
GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with existing data. Here we are going to create a basic GraphQL Server With Node.js And Express Setting up the project To setup GraphQL server with Node JS and Express, let’s first create our project folder $ mkdir graphql-server Now navigate […]
While setting up virtual machine in VirtualBox, we usually setup with the lowest recommended size for storage space (20GB), so it doesn’t consume much of our HDD. However, on course of the use, we may install more apps and save more data in VM, then we find that 20GB of storage space was hardly enough. We feel […]
VirtualBox is a free and open-source virtualization application for enterprise as well as home use from Oracle, freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2. We can run and test different OS on VirtualBox, irrespective of the host OS platform. I usually use virtualization to test […]
Adding Google analytics in React app the easy way. Analytics is the key to get the overview of the impact of our application and tool to analyze and improve the performance
Push Notifications with Firebase Firebase platform offers various services for mobile and web applications to help developers to build apps quickly with lots of features. We will use Cloud Messaging service provided by Firebase platform which allows us to send messages to any device using HTTP requests. Setup To start using Firebase, we first need […]
Deploying laravel application to shared hosting without SSH
jQuery selectList is a jquery plugin to move selected options from one select box to another. Move single, multiple or all options to another select box
Setup Oracle Instant Client in Ubuntu machine for connection to oracle database PHP oci8 extension
Read .csv file from local machine and convert data to json string with Javascript
Implementing REDIS as cache server with CodeIgniter 3