React Redux application npm

react redux

React is a javascript library for build User Interfaces. Redux is an opensource javascript library for managing application state. React app has a lot of states to maintain. It is feasible for small apps. But when it gets bigger and add up more behaviours, it gets tricky and dirty. For such cases, Redux comes as […]

Center align HTML element with CSS3


Web pages composes of different components and elements. All those components play important role in page composition in terms of users accessibility, UI and UX. Each components are designed to place in position in the page and positioned in relative or absolute to peer elements. We can horizontally align right or align left the relatively […]

WordPress Migration from live server to localhost


We usually do development work in local or development environment. Then move the final product to production/live server after doing necessary changes and being sure that our application is bug free and stable. Same goes with the WordPress site development in common practice. But still we face different issues during migration process. Apart from the […]